Coming Together


All of a sudden things are coming together. The past few weeks have been extremely stressful as we are trying to make up lost time and be sure the movie is finished; but, ever since we shot with Connor, we have been trying our hardest to shoot as much as possible.

After several failed attempts, we finally got the first scene done. I have written on here before that I was really excited about this scene, and I will say it again. I think out of the entire (wonderful) script, the first scene really defines the film, and seeing it almost finished has brought a new vigor back into the crew. It’s clear now that we may have something really special on our hands. Unfortunately, the scene will not be available to any non-Cranberries until the Festival.

We have started to shoot the last scene, too, which we have left open-ended until now. We came up with a very cool idea of having Larry go back through the school after everything has really fallen apart. I can see it very clearly, and we are all very excited. Ryan especially is rocking this part. He came up with a great shot sequence of Mary and Biff and is really turning into a great director.

Yesterday, with the help of a few wonderfully patient and kind extras, we were able to shoot a massive chunk of the movie. The Physics scenes. And yes. Jungbin Lim really showed his acting chops although he was working with borderline racist material. But all the extras were wonderful. Our Baby Wrangler and Script Supervisor Luke Witherall helped out a little while also. With the exception of the slight hiccup on my part for forgetting to put on the mic for the last bit, I think we have some great footage.

As we keep trudging along, things are getting much better. We’ve dealt with every problem imaginable this year and it has been far from smooth sailing; and yet, I feel sad knowing that it’s all coming to a close soon with the Due Dates being given tomorrow. But there’s no time to look that far ahead. We still have a lot to shoot- two more big scenes to tackle- and then that’s it. The rest will be rendered in the Editing Room.

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